Saturday, August 31, 2024

All you need to know about this year's All Nigerian Gospel Music Revival Conference.


All Nigerian Gospel Music Revival Conference, with the acronym ANGOMREC, is a project that started 9 years ago, to create a platform for all the creative ministers in the gospel to be revived and refreshed for the kingdom assignment. 

ANGOMREC provides interactive sessions and workshops platform for all ministers in music and drama ministries to get them acquainted with the latest information regarding the effective operations of the assignment.

ANGOMREC is not a group or an association but a project or event annually organized by a team, driven by purpose as clearly stated in the name… REVIVAL. It is the long thirt and desire of the convener for a school of the generals in order to produce the Endtime soldiers for this generation.

I am involved and I am inviting all of us that are called into this assignment to join the train in order to be refreshed and reloaded for the next level. 

Click on the link below and be part of it

Or call theses lines to learn more information about it.





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